Sunday, September 18, 2011

Round 2

Sept 1 was my year mark in NY. Spet 13 was my year mark at the goog. Going in year 2 in NY, everything feels like deja vu, so strange. I remember last year, one of my favorite nights was Fashion Night Out. It was a weird feeling that Fashion Night Out happened again, though it wasn't as good as the first. I guess it was the novelty of the first time that made it special. This time around, I had a great dinner with my roommate and friend, but made it out to FNO a little later than usual. Still pretty fun...

The San Gennaro festival in Little Italy is happening outside of my street; again, strange to do it a second time around, but it's different. New people to go with. I've been hanging out with my favorite coworker and roommate lately. Super cool people, glad to have them here in New York. It's different; for the first time in NY, I have people I can vent to...about work, people, life. And I have that Black Mamba Patrick to talk about other things. Oh yea, my 3rd new roommate is also really cool, a sous chef at a viet/french restaurant with $$$ on Yelp. Homeboy better hook it up!

My coworker told me via text the other night:

Me: I think I'm gonna stay in tonight and rest, no energy
Coworker: u r too funn. u dun need to go out every night to feel tht u r "living ur life". u r living it even if u stay in just for one night. u r saving any energy for bigger and better things tomorrow.
Me: you are so wise!

Alright, I gotta stop doing the little things and just save energy for the big fish. Great white shark, I'm coming for you!

PS- thanks CT and AN for updating. I still read!

Edit: Thanks JM as well! I didn't know you started again! sweet!

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