Thursday, October 27, 2011

I'm back in the classroom!

Booyah! I eventually found my way to integrate education back into my life. I'm a "Citizens Teacher" for this apprenticeship with Citizens School. I basically teach an after school program for 1 1/2 hour every Wednesday. Guess what I teach? No, it's not biology anymore...nor is it sex edu or physics. I teach kids how to become food bloggers! hahaha. That's right, Foodie Blogging!

It's crazy...I don't have to lesson plan; the lesson plans are done for me by a student teacher and all I have to do is go in and execute. It feels weird though. I'm not the lead teacher and the kids are pretty bad but I don't do anything about it. I don't want to say/do anything; it's just not in my place so I just hang in the background and do what I can do. I'm still pretty just gotta, but it's an after school program. I don't know, it's hard to find what "type" of teacher I want to be in this situation. Ah the internal struggle...

Anyways, I bring in food and have the kids blog about it. We write out our paragraphs before we type. Getting them started on blogger was a challenge in itself. This past week, we used flip cams to film their reaction while they tried seaweed. Some of the videos were really silly, but there was one that blew my mind. This girl did a legitimate review on seaweed and it was fantastic...way better than anything I could have created. There's talent in Brooklyn yo!

Feels pretty good to be back, but every Wednesday I have to leave at 3:30 so I'm always rushing to finish my work. My team and manager are all understanding so that's a good thing. Don't know if this is gonna take a hit on my performance, but o wells, there's better things in life...I'll take self satisfaction over performance ratings.

Until next time!

Filming Seaweed Tasting

1 comment:

Clifford said...

dang this was a really good blog post. no joke