Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Funday

Feels good to be home with family and friends. It's definitely a feeling that I don't take for granted. Doesn't happen too often so when I get this feeling, I really appreciate it. Nowadays it's so hard to get everyone under one roof. Sometimes, this can take months and years. Feels good to be in LA.

This morning was something special to me. It was the first time in a long time where I had my 4 closest friends sitting around a dim sum table. The last time that happened, I don't even remember; it's been that long. It was something great. Felt like a breakfast of kings. After all, it was on the top floor of a restaurant.

Now to Black Fridays. This year, I did not even attempt to buy anything during Black Friday. I remember my senior year of high school was the hardest I went for Black Friday. Since then, each year, Black Friday got less cool. Logically, it stopped making sense to me. DVD, blu-rays, electronics all became less appealing to me.

Instead, I now deem Black Fridays as my Black Fundays. Each year, I will make this a day of friends day. Thanksgiving is time spent with family. The Friday after Thanksgiving is my day to sit with my brothers and sisters from another mother and fathers. It is the day to appreciate time with friends. Hopefully, I can remember this next year wherever I am. Here's to Black Fundays, y'll!