Saturday, December 24, 2011

Updates to come...

I've been so bad...I haven't blogged in a month and I tell my students to blog! Sorry all!!

I'm currently waiting at the Gap and writing this blog. Just saw mission impossible 4 and it was pretty darn good. Cruise still got it. Fun to watch; some really creative scenes...

Tonight I'm cooking Christmas dinner for a couple friends. Recently I really got into cooking. I'm not good at it, but it's fun. I think it's a great skill to have and practice. The other day, I made gelato some scratch (gelato making class) and made a couple omelets in the morning. Tonight, I'm probably going to make a soup, spam masubi, a korean main dish, and gelato and dessert wine for dessert time. I will post more about this....

Alright time to get going. More to come!!

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