Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Weekend

Geez, this weekend was pretty insane. Haven't had something like this in a looong time.

Work week sucked. It was just a long week. Friday at 4pm, I checked out. Plus there was a Halloween Costume Contest and my team entered as Snow White & the Seven Dwarves. My manager was Snow White and there were exactly 7 dudes to be the dwarves. Yeah, I work with 6 other balance...

After work on Friday, I de-stressed by balling at FFP (a name given to the park because of it's distance in relation to my apartment, Freaken Far Park). Got clocked in the jaw, but no biggie. Balling in the cold is tough. The weather has been getting super cold, yet people tell me this is nothing. Man I'm dying! It's so cold...

To sum up the weekend without going into too much details: Friday night bar (came home at 2am), Saturday night, house party & bar (came home at 4am), and Sunday night, Halloween parade. I honestly don't recall the last time I was out so late, but I'm happy that I survived the NYC 4am madness. Oh yea, for those that know my drinking tolerance, 6 shots Saturday night and I was totally fine. What up!!!

I realized that I enjoy Halloween. No, not because of the slutty girls, but because it's a time for people to be creative and entertaining. I value creativity. So during Halloween, I appreciate the creativity that people put into their costumes. This was my first Halloween madness and there is no place better than NYC to have it in. Here are some of my favorite costumes...

iPhone Man

Stop & Go

Someone carrying the Porta-Potty with someone #2-ing. It's all one person!!!!

My favorite! Japanese game show...human tetris...they kept replaying the game for the next 30 blocks...

Metro card people!

Lastly the best costumes, of course...flight suit up & EMT!

I came to NYC only knowing my roommate Dmah. Slowly but surely, my network has really been expanding. There's a ton of people to meet and many that live here that I didn't know. Complete strangers became friends and others were introduced through friends. But it takes time for me to call NYC home...but at least now, I know more than just 1 person in NY. Not to shabby...

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