Sunday, October 23, 2011

Can't hang with the big boys...

I still can't. I try to and bad things happen. Anyways, I invited my friends to the Balvanie tasting in NY. I met the ambassador in LA and he hooked me up with the invite in NY. So we all went through the different years of whiskey, 15, 12, 14, 21, 17...I had eight and was filling pretty good. My friends from different worlds were all getting along, then hit me. I needed to go home. That night, I threw up. I still can't hang, but I had fun...

So the post above was supposed to get posted on Wednesday through my phone but got posted in my unicamp donation blog...hahah failed!

So yesterday night was my two roommates' bday. One was Oct 22nd and the other on Oct 23rd. I took my girl roommate to this korean place and invited Phil and another friend to join. Watermelon soju! After, we went to a bar where I told her to ask for the "voyage". She's a beast of a drinker...damn those Australians. Later we met up with my other roommate at another korean place and drank more. For the second time, we all hung out (our schedules never match up). Good times, went to sleep at 6am. Funny thing, I keep making everyone drink, but can't walk the walk. I can't hang, but I'm pretty good in making sure everyone has a good ol' time. Peace.

Watermelon Soju - pretty weak

Roommate love

The "Voyage".

Whiskey Tasting

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