Monday, November 14, 2011

Always Give Back

Always remember your roots, as well.

I started to host informational interviews to the current TFA corps member that are trying to transition into corporate america. A part of me really wants to tell them to stay in teaching...but then I would be a hypocrite. But I guess those that have TFA under their belt will do good in the long run regardless of where they go. I mean, how can one experience TFA and do nothing to close the achievement gap? I don't think these types of people exist. If they do, I would like to meet them and whoop that @$$.

It feels really weird to be on the other side of these informational interviews. I remember I always told myself that if I ever got a good job, I would help others. When I went through the application and interview process back in Sept 2009 to Feb 2010, I was struggling. Day in and day out, I was looking for help and practicing my interview skills with Josh at Starbucks. The good ol' days...

Lesson here...remember where you came from and give back. It's a good lesson.

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