Thursday, November 3, 2011

Honored & Humbled

This is something special, but hasn't sunk in yet. If you know me, I don't really feel too many emotions. Usually something emotional takes me a while to feel. I don't know why.

So today's a pretty significant date. I planned an event in the AM (huge success!) and then missed an All-Hands Meeting by our director (3 management levels up), where he announced that I got promoted! Found out via email afterwards. hahaha

Don't really know what to think or how to react so I resorted to this blog. Not too sure what the point is, but had an urge to write something. 6 of the 12 promotions got selected and it's truly an honor to be one of them. Pretty insane since this is a company of geniuses. Basically, each quarter, we're compared to the peers and managers have to fight to score us on a scale. After that you need to get 3 quarter straight of exceed expectations. Even then, you only meet the bare minimum to qualify for a promotion...geez.

I'm shocked, honored, humbled, and drinks on me.

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